When Do Ice Cream Trucks Come in 2023?
Sweet treats are conveniently delivered by ice cream trucks, which are essentially stationary ice cream freezers on wheels.
On June 21, the first day of summer, the majority of ice cream trucks begin operating. In warm climates like Florida, Texas, and California, some ice cream trucks have the luxury of a longer season.
While ice cream trucks may seem like a dying breed, there are still ways to find one to cure your sweet tooth. In this article, we will take a closer look at the ways to locate an ice cream truck in your area. In addition, we will answer other frequently asked questions about locating an ice cream truck, so read on!
When Do Ice Cream Trucks Come?
On June 21, the first day of summer, the majority of ice cream trucks begin operating.
In warm climates like Florida, Texas, and California, some ice cream trucks have the luxury of a longer season.
Since the weather gets hotter sooner, ice cream trucks may hit the streets as early as April or even March.
In the end, the ice cream truck’s owner decides when they start working.
Most ice cream trucks run independently, meaning the owner gets to set their hours.
Both their personal preferences and what is best for the business will play a significant role.
They clearly want to begin as soon into the season as is reasonable.
Starting too early might not be the best business decision, though, as people don’t want ice cream from an ice cream truck until the weather gets hot.
How Late Do Ice Cream Trucks Run?
In general, ice cream trucks start moving around 10:00 or 11:00 in the morning.
Up until 6:00 or 7:00 p.m. after dinner, ice cream trucks continue to operate.
They must find the balance between offering dessert for families after dinner while not staying out late enough to bother people who consider the music a nuisance.
Though it can be enjoyable in the late summer, ice cream trucks don’t stay out in residential neighborhoods after dark.
Some ice cream trucks will set up shop after the last route near bars or on a major thoroughfare to give late-night ice cream lovers the chance to get ice cream on their way home.
What Makes Ice Cream Trucks So Appealing?
Thanks to the music and the urgency, purchasing ice cream from an ice cream truck is more exciting than purchasing it from a convenience store.
Ice cream tastes different after playing baseball outside or engaging in a water balloon fight on a hot day.
You rush to collect your money and catch the ice cream truck as soon as the music catches your ear.
When you get to the ice cream truck, you typically have more options than at your neighborhood convenience store.
People anticipate finding their preferred flavor of ice cream on an ice cream truck, so truck owners make it a point to stock up on a variety of flavors.
Ice cream is made to taste better by the circumstances that led up to it and by the satisfaction of the first bite, particularly when the ice cream truck was almost missed.
Ice Cream Truck Song
The ice cream truck song is one that most people can hum off-hand.
The fact that your memory might not match someone else’s might surprise you.
The most popular ice cream truck song is known as “Turkey in the Straw.”
Although the song’s problematic origins are evident in the lyrics, most businesses have updated the song to reflect a welcoming environment that promotes social advancement.
Trucks may not sing the lyrics, but using an out-of-date song as a major advertisement for your business betrays a lack of social awareness.
You can listen to the new jingle that Good Humor and RZA from the Wu-Tang Clan made here.
Although Good Humour didn’t invent ice cream trucks, they made the decision to alter the rules after they got involved.
Since other brands can’t use the Good Humor song, many of them have switched to an innocuous popular song that aligns with their company values better than “Turkey in the Straw.”
Some common alternatives you may hear include:
- Pop Goes the Wesel
- Camptown Races
- La Cucaracha
- The Entertainer
- Picnic (Hello)
Ways to Learn About Ice Cream Trucks in Your Area
Research local ice cream trucks using the following resources to learn when they plan to start operations and where they are in their route once the season begins.
1. Ice Cream Truck Tracker App
The ice cream truck tracker app is one that you can download to your phone.
No matter the brand, this app will locate any nearby, operational ice cream trucks.
Many brands, such as Mister Softee, have their own app that shows inquiring minds where the trucks are on their routes.
They won’t, however, reveal the locations of rival ice cream trucks.
2. Community Social Media Pages
Join the local Facebook page for your area.
The page will inform you of all the activities taking place in the area, including animal sightings and ice cream truck sightings.
Information is available in real time on social media, but you must see the post right away.
The information is useless if you aren’t using the app at the appropriate moment.
3. Ask the Ice Cream Driver
Inquire of the ice cream truck driver when you see them about their expected arrival time.
At this point, some days might take longer than others.
The ice cream vendor, on the other hand, might be able to provide you with information, such as how frequently they visit your neighborhood and an approximate time.
In particular, if they go above and beyond for you, don’t forget to tip the ice cream truck driver.
4. Learn Local Hot Spots
Like any business, your neighborhood ice cream truck drivers will look for the best spots to set up shop.
You should check the parks and pools in your neighborhood because they probably prefer to be close to people and attractions/activities that are appropriate for families.
The ice cream trucks may travel through residential areas only once or twice each day, but they stop by the park at least once every hour.
If you know the truck visits a particular location regularly, you can set yourself up for success by positioning yourself in that location instead of waiting at home.
5. Google
Google is the industry leader for a good reason.
It helps you find what you want easily.
Simply type “ice cream truck near me” in Use Google to locate the closest ice cream truck and its precise location.

How Ice Cream Trucks Keep the Ice Cream Cold
You will quickly discover that the ice cream trucks in your area are always busy if you track them.
When it’s hot outside, how do the ice cream trucks, which are always on the move, manage to keep their ice cream so cold?
In the truck’s chest freezers is where the solution is.
The chest freezers consist of three main components that work together to produce cold temperatures:
- Compressor: compresses refrigerant gases and transports them.
- Condenser: isolates hot air and removes it from the truck.
- Evaporator: where the cold air is created.
Two alternatives to a chest freezer include a cold plate freezer and dry ice.
As long as it is properly stored and consumed as soon as it is received, ice cream won’t develop freezer burn.
The ice cream can remain frozen for up to eight hours when using a cold plate freezer.
However, most truck owners will empty the ice cream from the truck at the end of the night so that they can power down the freezers.
With the new inventory, the ice cream will return to the main storage freezers.
Popular Ice Cream Truck Options
To differentiate themselves from the competition, some ice cream trucks offer special menu items that are unavailable from other trucks.
The crowd favorites are beneficial to all trucks, though.
The ice cream characters, like Spongebob or Wonder Woman, are among the most well-liked choices on children’s menus.
Some of the other popular items you can find at the ice cream truck include:
- Choco Tacos
- Snow Cones
- Push Pops
- Strawberry Crunch Bar
- Chocolate Crunch Bar
- Ice Cream Sandwich
- King Cones
Tips and Tricks for Visiting An Ice Cream Truck
Every experience can be enhanced when you plan ahead and learn the ins and outs of the business.
Utilize these tricks and tips to guarantee that you always get ice cream from an ice cream truck.
1. Have Cash Ready
Even though many ice cream trucks now accept cards, it’s best to have cash on hand just in case you run into one throughout the day.
Cash is quicker than a card for the ice cream truck.
The ice cream truck driver won’t have to wait while you look for your wallet if you have cash on you.
2. Stay Clean
Ice cream gets messy.
Don’t get mad.
Wet wipes and hand sanitizer can help you avoid major messes.
You can get napkins from ice cream trucks, but they won’t be as effective at removing the stickiness as wet wipes will.
3. Remain Flexible
God mocks the plans we make.
You can track your neighborhood ice cream truck and try to arrange your meeting in advance.
The plans don’t always work out as expected.
If you miss a particular route, be prepared to get ice cream later that day or the next day.
Never eat another dessert until you’ve gone inside and declared that you’ve had enough of the ice cream truck for the day.
4. Ask About Damaged Goods
If an ice cream bar falls, it could sustain minor damage.
Although perfectly acceptable to eat, the minor flaws force the driver to set that ice cream bar aside.
Inquire with the driver if there are any discounted (or free) damaged goods available.
5. Don’t Forget the Dog
The majority of ice cream trucks also offer treats for dogs.
Ask about pup cups filled with whipped cream or dog treats.
Some ice cream trucks give them out for free as a courtesy!
6. Tip the Driver
A good ice cream truck driver contributes to the neighborhood.
Every time you make a purchase, leave a small tip as a sign of support and gratitude.
The driver might even feel compelled to visit your street more frequently as a result of tips.
Cost and Profits of Ice Cream Trucks
Corporate ice cream trucks are available for Humor and some other companies.
But most ice cream trucks are privately owned.
How profitable is it to operate an ice cream truck?
Who exactly can profit from driving an ice cream truck?
Although the figures vary greatly, the majority of ice cream truck drivers make $5,000 per month while only keeping $2,500 after expenses (working 20 days out of the month).
Drivers who put in more time and work more days may be paid more.
Additionally, drivers who position themselves strategically and market themselves effectively can earn more.
Since the 4th of July is one of the busiest days for ice cream trucks during the summer, plan to work all day on those days as well.
Costs for maintaining the truck, the inventory, and the freezers are included.
There will also be recurring costs, like commercial business insurance.
The experience turns out to be most expensive when getting started.
You will need to purchase the truck (or lease it) as well as the inventory.
Expect to pay tens of thousands of dollars.
You’ll also need to go through the proper legal processes, which isn’t necessarily expensive in and of itself, but you can pay a lot mentally when working with the authorities.
Permits, licenses, and insurance policies you’ll need to start an ice cream truck include:
- Valid driver’s license
- Business license
- Health permit
- Resale permit
- Commercial auto insurance
- Professional liability insurance
- Product liability insurance
Always check the local requirements twice.
Your ice cream truck may receive a fine or be forced to close down for having the wrong permits.
A portion of the year, ice cream trucks are the only source of income.
In the winter, you require an additional source of income.
You also need to enjoy your neighborhood and enjoy working with people.
How Do You Make An Ice Cream Truck Come to You?
In case you want an ice cream truck to come to your location, there are a few things you can do. To begin with, inquire if private event bookings are available from the ice cream truck companies in your area.
For birthdays, block parties, and other special occasions, there are numerous trucks available.
A different choice is to hire an ice cream truck for your occasion. This is a great choice if you want a specific flavor of ice cream or if you want to be able to customize your menu. Most major cities have ice cream truck rental businesses.
A second option is to try contacting local food truck festivals. Several different ice cream trucks typically attend these events.
Marketing Your Ice Cream Truck
Many people enter the ice cream truck industry under the false impression that ice cream sells itself.
You must effectively market your ice cream truck business.
Participate in local social media groups, register with Google, and use other helpful online services.
Post about your plans for the day and interact with customers.
Offer services that other trucks don’t have, like lunch options or healthy options, to stand out from the competition.
Making yourself out to be the princess or rocker ice cream truck, dressing up, and playing music that represents your brand are all examples of being daring.
You can also create events either on your own or in conjunction with other businesses.
In your backyard or at a nearby park or library, host an outdoor ice cream movie night.
Once the year has come to an end, you should also make it a point to advertise frozen treats at a discount.
Don’t ever assume that driving a truck is sufficient for promotion.
Make promotion part of your daily routine and stay consistent.
Final Thoughts
Since decades, ice cream trucks have been a summertime fixture. They offer kids (and adults) a fun and cool way to cool off during the sweltering summer.
However, it can be challenging to track down an ice cream truck in your area with the advent of technology. You can locate the closest truck and savor a delectable treat by using the resources in this article to locate its location.
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